Ultra portable single tray handler

View the PicoMax video on YouTube: 

The PicoMax was developed for test environments where long test times are common, or the number of devices in a single JEDEC tray is high.  This handler weighs under 5Kg and is adaptable to a variety of environments.  The base system price is $15,000 U.S. and the ballpark price for a custom pneumatic press and platform to mount the handler to a specific TIU or test socket solution is around $1,500.00

The included handler software can act as either the master sequencer to automate the test flow, or it can accept the row/column location of a specific device in the tray and move that device to and from the test socket.

Device rotation is accomplished using a "4th axis" rotor that also precisely aligns the device with adjustable tabs to fit a large range of device sizes.  Performing DUT rotation on a dedicated rotor/precisor requires an extra few seconds to handle each device, but enables very precise alignment between the rotor/precisor and the test socket.  This is accomplished by eliminating random X&Y offsets when a rotating vacuum cup becomes crooked.  This is an important consideration when using a test socket with minimal "lead in"